Thursday, November 17, 2011

Implied Motion

Implied motion can be used to emphasize a product speed.  In the case of this laptop computer designed by Asus, the products similar look to one of lamborghini’s high performance sports car implies the product is fast.  Lamborghini's typically use rigid horizontal and faceted designs on their cars,  Asus successfully incorporated these elements within their laptop.  Because of these similarities the design invokes the feelings of motion and speed to the, while the laptop is not actually moving. Also using the design of an elite sports car such as the Lamborghini, the laptop creates of feeling of high performance, and elegance to the consumer.

This spiral shell sink was designed to be visually pleasing using the gestalt principle of continuity, which states, a line or set of lines is expected to continue on its existing course.  In this case the spiral shape of the sink causes the viewer’s eye to naturally follow the curved line, invoking a spiral motion.  It is because of the viewers naturally tendency to follow the spiral line that the design successfully implies the feeling of motion within the consumer.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


This couch specifically designed for the apartment of French designer , Jean Paul Gaultier.  The apartment uses lined patterns to achieve the feeling of infinite depth within the apartment.  The viewer can use familiar size to guess on the actual size of the couch, by observing the window, coffee, table and lamp in the background.  The parallel lines on the floor and couch start wide when close up but seem to blend together as they get farther away this technique can be known as texture gradient.